Health Drive at WELDO to promote a healthier workplace.
The health and well-being of our staff is of paramount importance to us! WELDO has allocated 40 minutes of paid staff time to work out keeping in mind that the health and well-being of our staff is important to us and also keeping in mind that given the office and family obligations some staff members could be having difficulty allocating time to workout activities. Being a health-conscious organization WELDO has also provided its staff with Blood Pressure monitoring device and health apps to keep an eye out on their well-being.

HM Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)
We at Women Empowerment Literacy and Development Organization are deeply saddened to learn about the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Her dedication to duty was an inspiration, and her legacy of unwavering service, leadership and resilience, will live on. WELDO sends heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family.

Flash floods sweep through Pakistan
Climate change has brought devastating consequences for Pakistan. Over 33 million people have been affected, nearly 1 million homes have been destroyed or damaged, and more than 1,700 people have died by the recent devastating floods and extreme rainfall . Majority of country’s agricultural lands have been flooded, destroying crops, killing livestock, threatening the country’s food supply and impacting livelihood of millions of households. Women and children are especially vulnerable in this situation as many are living under the open skies, waiting for help. Shelter, clean drinking water and food are among the most urgently needed items in the aftermath of the floods. Just life saving activities will cost US$ 160.3 million. Although we see a number of rehabilitation activities been done by concerned citizens but the world needs to do more specially with the rehabilitation of those effected and to stop global warming.

ERRIN global meeting of PMU & SP
ERRIN Global Meeting of project management unit and service providers was held in Dubai from 9th to 12th May 2022. WELDO participated in ERRIN Global Meeting as Exclusive Implementing Organization from Pakistan, represented by Ms. Sijal Aziz and Mr. Ahmed Waqas Javaid. The end of ERRIN programme, reporting requirements and contractual obligations were discussed to ensure the efficient financial closure of the ERRIN programme. Round-Table meetings were held with the SPs also to discuss matters including, ERRIN contracts, and related commitments. The SPs introduced their organisations, shared their experiences with on-the-ground implementation, including an overview of both good practices and lessons learnt.

WELDO signs Specific Agreement with FRONTEX
WELDO signs Specific Agreement with FRONTEX for exclusive provision of returns and reintegration services to returnees in Pakistan. Under the project WELDO will provide both short-term and long-term returns and reintegration services to both voluntary and non-voluntary returnees coming back European countries.